A Week in the Life

This past week has been a whirlwind. I’ve been keeping myself busy to say the least. Incoming — a medium-sized diary entry.

A combination of job hunting, a slo-pitch team, my sister coming into town for a week, and some portfolio work have been keeping me busy.

There’s definitely more opportunities in the city than I first thought — that hidden job market is out there. Definitely getting a big reminder of how important relationships are (not that you should ever forget in a city as tight-knit as Winnipeg). Still on the hunt? Stay patient — you will find something. *

Going back through your work over the past two years and updating some stuff really shows you how far you’ve come. The weirdest part is not feeling yourself get better in the moment but only when you look back. Makes for an interesting contrast for portfolios too. Old work =/= necessarily bad work, in my opinion.*

The AutoPhaleures — the slo-pitch team I’m on with other CreCommers/special guest stars — are now 1-1. We’ve got some defense, and some offense — we just need to pull it together. I also need to stop hitting like I’m batting with a rolling pin. I expect a Disney movie-style finish to our season. Especially with our Iron Wall defense that comes alive towards the end of our games. *

My close personal friend Dave H. has told me that Facebook now has a “read receipt” function, that shows you when someone else, or yourself, has read something. My opinion? Some things man was not meant to know. Or wants to ignore.*

And there was the whole matter of a particular movie that melted my face off, playing my nostalgia + inner nerd like Baby’s First Piano. It’s not very often I say “I want to see it again right now” the moment I leave a theatre. I promise, that’s the last line about this movie in this post. Other than “go see it if you haven’t, which is hard to believe since it broke opening weekend records with 200 million dollars.”*

In any case, eventful week. There’s more to be said, but I’ll save that for another entry. Things are seemingly picking up right now, and I’m happy about it.  This video sums up my week (mostly anyway):


– Mike

PS re-read this blog, or basically, do anything with the main theme of the Avengers movie as your ambient music. Thank me later for feeling much more grandiose than usual while doing what it is you do.  And if you have thoughts about this entry, be sure to leave ’em in the comment box!

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