Internet Video of The Week – Faster is Always Better
I’m going to start a tradition around these parts.
Internet Video Tuesday.
Whatever comes into my line of sight that I see as pretty damn awesome, I’ll be sharing here. Doesn’t matter what it falls under – if it’s awesome, expect it to have a place. Sometimes, might even be a couple. Who knows — I can be pretty wild too.
This week, I’m going to show you the definition of the old mantra “faster is always better.”
“But Mike,” you say, “I’m pretty sure that’s not a mantra.” Well, it’s my blog and I make the rules.
In any case, painting, while definitely a great skill to have, is made infinitely more fun to watch if you can SPEED paint, in my opinion. My first inclination after watch the below video was “he’s a witch,” but it’s clear that he just has an immense amount of talent – he creates a piece in 30 seconds of higher quality than I could muster in 30 minutes:
Enjoy the video, and let me know what you think about this guy and his talents. Also, gimme some of your picks for other internet videos of the week I should see!
PS: Here’s another example of why “faster” may also be more hilarious :
To know whether he’s really a witch, we need to know whether he floats.
We could just search his house for ghouls instead.