Perfect Poison
Wise words from a recovering perfectionism addict.
This author has yet to write their bio.Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Mike contributed a whooping 36 entries.
Perfect PoisonAugust 19, 2014 /0 Comments/in Quotes /by Mike
Wise words from a recovering perfectionism addict.
Marketing is a funny thing. I think it’s earned a bit of a negative connotation though, that one might even call unfair. Is it possible to paint such a wide field with just one brush? You probably guessed right.
I bid you adieu 2013, you magnificent sonuvabitch. You were a few parts change, more parts challenge, and all parts growth.
If you think hard enough about something, you can apply the lessons learned to marketing and communications. Even if that something is a ridiculous comedy starring Will Ferrell.
A look at the universal thoughts that make up the creative process.
Say hello to my new personal site. Two-odd months of trial-by-fire design reminded me of a few valuable lessons for anyone breathing.
There is no time like the present for improvement, and I’m taking that adage (written completely by me) to heart.
It’s a little unsettling just how many messages we’re bombarded with in a single day, much less over a few weeks or months. If I remember correctly from my office on wheels, I think it’s 55,000 on an average day? That’s a pretty penny’s worth of ad buys.
Working with one hand and a good 8 people cramped around you on a not-so-magic or even school-related bus is easier said than done. But ambition is a helluva thing.
With myself finally being in possession of what my friend @the_JMoney would call a real phone, I’ve come up with a way to combine some downtime with content production – blogging on the bus (patent pending). Innovention, if there ever was any.