CreCommedy Night Mini-Retrospecticus

Hey guys, I’m back.

And I survived my standup stint at creCommedy night. More than survived, actually.

I thought I did pretty good. Msot people told me I did, anyway. But better than that was seeing all the people who got up there and did great. Which was essentially everyone.

The night definitely did have its standouts. One that comes to mind is my classmate Adam Campbell. Looking at the horrors of Bipole III (a potential Dustin Hoffman thriller) and the less-than-glamorous lives of pharmacists (which got a rise from the several pharmacists in the house), it was hilarious.

Fret not — you too will be able to see it. A DVD of the entire event is in the works, and for only $10 you’ll be able to see it for yourself. I know I’m getting one. For now, enjoy this clip from the night, and have a good rest of the day. Believe me, you’ll get more deets about the DVD as they come.

This clip is of the #1 voted best of the night, Dylan Hughes. Enjoy.

Top 5 of the night:

1. Dylan Hughes
2. Mike Tanasychuk
3. Adam Campbell
4. Brea Perrelli
5. Andrew Parker.


Till next time,


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