Halfway There

For the next 3 weeks, I am the male version of a “Lady of Leisure.”

It’s cooler than it sounds. Lady of leisure is something  I came up with during a summer in which a relative of mine (taking the months of from school as most highschoolers do) would do nothing but wake up, watch Fresh Prince or soaps, eat her meals, and go to sleep. This went on for an extended period of time, and I thought to myself…

She/He has found the ultimate endgame.

Now, with my education on hold for Christmas break, I’m not going to do EXACTLY that. But I will find time for myself to get a recharge. That said, there is still a lot of work to be done on my thesis project (IPP for those in the know), and this is a great chance to gain some ground — you can bet I’ll be doing that. Plus, I have a couple side projects that should help me keep my skills sharp, so there’s that too.

But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. If for just these next 3 weeks, I’ll be taking some time moreso for myself to get ready for my final semester of school in the new year. Lots of great things (like Graduation Day and my work placement, which I can’t wait for – more on that in a coming post) and lofty goals await me in 2012, but this last reprieve is just as important.

Before signing off, I want to give a special thanks to my CreComm friends/peers/instructors/what-have-you for an awesome semester 3. We’re sliding down the hill from here, and I think we all have done more than we thought we were capable of. Can’t wait to see what we’ve got for a finale – we’ve set the bar really high.

Till next time,

Mike “Mike “Mike Bad” Badejones” Badejo


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