Pail List

No, this isn’t about a direct-to-video knock off of the movie Bucket List.

It’s about aiming big — but in small chunks. With this in mind, I’m going to go for it too. I’m going to take self improvement as a gradual process and hopefully, within a bigger chunk of time, I can look back and say that I’m better than I previously was.

A wise man — an unknown poet, I believe — once said “you can’t ignore the little things. that’s what life is.”

The last picture of the unknown poet


Here’s to hoping that a bunch of little things add up to something more — for both me and you.

Cap’n Crunch

I like to incorporate breakfast wherever I can in life. ESPECIALLY in metaphors. Thus the snappy, crackly and pop-ly (took way to long to think of this line) title.

Cap’n Crunch will annihilate your mouth like nobody’s business. You may as well chew on a mace. A delicious, nutritious, sweet sugar-filled mace. It’s damn tasty, and worth being called Bleeding Gums Murphy for the next little while. So why eat something that’s painful but amazing?

The same reason that you go after the things you want despite what hardship you have to endure. It’s worth it. I probably am reading way too far  into a (amazing) children’s cereal, but I don’t care; it’s a good mantra to have.

In a way, this post is a little bit for myself as well as anyone reading. If you take anything from this post, just remember that I attempted to tell you to keep going after what you want, even if there will be hardship. No matter what it is, if you really want it, go for it.

Secondly, Cap’n Crunch is delicious.

– Mike

Back To Business

Things are moving. Well, things I’m doing are, anyway.

It’s the last semester of my degree/diploma, and I’ve already completed my first work placement (which was great, if you were wondering). I’m back in school mode, and ready to tackle a ton of new projects in the closing weeks of Creative Communications. Bigger things on my plate include being one of 3 project managers for our large Ad/PR crossover assignment, IPP Presentation Prep (which is essentially like getting ready for our version of the Oscars), and regular IPP stuff, which is coming to a head with the Students’ Association election coming up.

Suffice to say, I’m getting jiggy with it. And by it, I mean work.

Here’s a reminder to let you know what I’m up to.



Be back with more soon. Got some big things coming up and I’m excited about it (so you should be too)!


– Mike


PS Please don’t forget to vote if you’re an RRC student — it’ll be just dandy if you do!




Halfway There

For the next 3 weeks, I am the male version of a “Lady of Leisure.”

It’s cooler than it sounds. Lady of leisure is something  I came up with during a summer in which a relative of mine (taking the months of from school as most highschoolers do) would do nothing but wake up, watch Fresh Prince or soaps, eat her meals, and go to sleep. This went on for an extended period of time, and I thought to myself…

She/He has found the ultimate endgame.

Now, with my education on hold for Christmas break, I’m not going to do EXACTLY that. But I will find time for myself to get a recharge. That said, there is still a lot of work to be done on my thesis project (IPP for those in the know), and this is a great chance to gain some ground — you can bet I’ll be doing that. Plus, I have a couple side projects that should help me keep my skills sharp, so there’s that too.

But all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. If for just these next 3 weeks, I’ll be taking some time moreso for myself to get ready for my final semester of school in the new year. Lots of great things (like Graduation Day and my work placement, which I can’t wait for – more on that in a coming post) and lofty goals await me in 2012, but this last reprieve is just as important.

Before signing off, I want to give a special thanks to my CreComm friends/peers/instructors/what-have-you for an awesome semester 3. We’re sliding down the hill from here, and I think we all have done more than we thought we were capable of. Can’t wait to see what we’ve got for a finale – we’ve set the bar really high.

Till next time,

Mike “Mike “Mike Bad” Badejones” Badejo


Ad Crossover: Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips

This post’s title is more bad ass than the topic it’s about seems, but I’m proud of it (and looking for feedback on it) nevertheless.

It’s not my best work ever, but I think it’s pretty decent. Although I’m in the Public Relations “stream” for Creative Communications, we do engage in some crossover work with the Advertising “stream” since the two fields are closely related. Here’s an ad for, as the title suggests, Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips. This is a tribute Ogilvy ad, and I tried to spice it up by keeping it current and modern despite the ‘homage’ nature of the ad.

Let me know what you think of the ad! Drop me a line in the comments. Here’s a look at the ad, and the copy is below:

Great or Greatest?

Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips Have Changed Mankind’s Course in History


Fire. The wheel. And Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips.


Few inventions have changed the course of history as much as Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips. That’s because they’re more than just paper clips – each corrugation on each clip is put in by our paper clip-loving staff out of a never-ending strive for quality.


Don’t believe us? Just take a look at why Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips have streamlined and changed the course of mankind:


Strengthened Kung-Fu Grip ™: Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips engineers have perfected the gripping strength of these steel tongs to make sure that your documents are kept together with the utmost gripping power possible. Remember your G.I. JOE action figure? Yeah. That much grip.

Sleek, Corrugated Cut: the cut in Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips make them as aerodynamic as possible in office supply technologies. The corrugation allows for easy grip and lift by your hands, and the sleek form lets one effortlessly slide them onto even the roughest of files, documents and more while maintaining the professional look you know and love.


Forged From Powerful Steel: only the finest metals go into each and every Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips. Forged from metal alloys similar to those in the most impeccable of vehicles, they are extremely durable and only break at the tremendous will of their owner. This helps the clip double as a pick for a lock by being powerful but bendable. We think.


Easy To Use: the intuitive form of the Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips make them so easy to use that a child could figure it out. Once you have one in your hands, you’ll know exactly what to do with it to maximum efficiency, compiling and protecting all of your documents immediately. It’s that simple.


These features and more have helped the Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips revolutionize the office world, and make organization troubles a thing of the past. Files will never be lost again; reports will remain intact forever; and your art will stay as pristine and immobile as the day you first attached the clips in that perfect spot on your wall.

A new horizon awaits you in the world of Corporate Express #1 Corrugated Paper Clips.

Editorializing Snow and All Its Evil

The following is a paid advertisement for People Against Snow. It is semi-logical and at least a little funny, but its views do not represent those of WordPress. It’s the ramblings of a person who doesn’t like snow.

Like every year, I’ve failed in my valiant effort against a mortal enemy of mine. I have been at odds with this frost-tipped demonspawn for as long as I can remember.

This evil being is the one they call…Snow.

Note that I am not referring to the scholarly singer behind such insightful 90s hits as “Informer” and “Everybody Wants  to Be Like You.” I’m talking about the seasonal precipitation that brings along with it cold, powerful winds, and terrible driving by almost all behind any sort of vehicle. No locusts though, so that’s a win.

Now, I’m a reasonable guy. I live in Winnipeg, and I know what kind of weather we get. I would even say I  like snow (in moderation – a dabble of snow to add that certain je ne sais quoi and ambiance to Christmas is great). But -40 degree temperatures, blowing ice wind, and mroe crashes than you can shake a stick at? Please, keep it to yourself.

Not to mention that Summer and Fall are inherently better in terms of weather. Would I rather have long, sunnny days with mostly clean streets and blue skies? Not to mention somewhat capable drivers everywhere?

Or would I want the grey and putrid vision of dusty clouds, slushy streets and frozen woodland creatures strewn about?

This is an easy decision to make.

Snow, outside of the 4 days or so around Christmas that add to the scenery, is an abomination that must be stopped at all costs. Drop a line in the comment box to see how you can help fight this problem today.



Normally, at this point, I’d put a U2B (YouTube for you less savvy internet goers :p hyuk hyuk hyuk) here, but even I wouldn’t want you to watch any part of the awful “movie” called Frosty Returns. The only good thing to come out of the movie is an aerosol spray called Summer Wheeze which removed snow just by spraying the substance on it. Definite proof that good can come from bad. Really, really, really bad.

Till next time,


PS Comedy Night DVDs are still being produced, will let everyone know when they’re available.

Also, I’m working with some select individuals on a new project that will warm hearts everywhere, I’m sure. But that’s a ways off. Stay tuned.


CreCommedy Night Mini-Retrospecticus

Hey guys, I’m back.

And I survived my standup stint at creCommedy night. More than survived, actually.

I thought I did pretty good. Msot people told me I did, anyway. But better than that was seeing all the people who got up there and did great. Which was essentially everyone.

The night definitely did have its standouts. One that comes to mind is my classmate Adam Campbell. Looking at the horrors of Bipole III (a potential Dustin Hoffman thriller) and the less-than-glamorous lives of pharmacists (which got a rise from the several pharmacists in the house), it was hilarious.

Fret not — you too will be able to see it. A DVD of the entire event is in the works, and for only $10 you’ll be able to see it for yourself. I know I’m getting one. For now, enjoy this clip from the night, and have a good rest of the day. Believe me, you’ll get more deets about the DVD as they come.

This clip is of the #1 voted best of the night, Dylan Hughes. Enjoy.

Top 5 of the night:

1. Dylan Hughes
2. Mike Tanasychuk
3. Adam Campbell
4. Brea Perrelli
5. Andrew Parker.


Till next time,


The Penultimate Home Stretch

Hi all. As of writing this post, I am completing the first of the last 5 weeks of my second last semester of my final year in my degree/diploma.

Say that 5 times fast.

In any case, with the last part of this semester coming up, it’s really evident that time flies in this program. The past year and a chunk of my time in Creative Communications has been a blur — it all just seems to kind of melt together. Good times, bad times, stress times, hilarious times — it’s just one amorphous blob of formative experiences. A couple fun assignments will wrap up 2011 academically for me and it’ll be great — a nice bow to a marvelous year.

After I wrap up this semester, it’s off to a 3 week work placement, and I believe I’ve been placed in a corporate PR environment. I won’t let the hat off the cat just yet, but stay tuned to see just where I end up and how it’s going. I’m excited about it, and want to see how it compares to my vision of the working world. Probably something like Flushing Meadows from Simpsons, but less toilets. Maybe just the music from the scene (check it out below — sorry about the quality, YouTube has been taking down the best of clips these days).

That’s the story, morning glory. Tune in next week to for a review on how my standup set went at CreComedy night on November 7th at Rumor’s.

Till next time,


P.S. With some quick Google-fu, I was able to track down the song used in the scene. If any company takes over the world, I hope it’s them. So helpful.

Lockout Madness

Normally, as of the writing of this post, we’d all be about 10 days or so till the start of the 2011-2012 NBA season – a glorious day for children and adults, men and women, Conservative and Democrat, living and dead, cat and dog alike.


But the big ugly head of a collective bargaining agreements (hold your gasps, please) has reared once more. And it’s not looking good.

Now, in my experience, usually this type of stuff gets hammered out and everything goes back to normal, but barring some eleventh hour miracle…we’re gonna miss some basketball, people. Hopefully not the whole season, but I doubt we’re getting some till the new year. That’s how far apart the owners and players are.

Who loses in all of this? The fan(atics). People like you, and me, and other well-adjusted folks who want to see their favorite game at the highest level.

That said, my lockout madness is no excuse for any lockout rudeness on my part (extra respect point for you if you get that Futurama reference).

While I do want a fair deal for the players (it is a player’s league, after all – nobody goes to watch coaches), and I don’t want owners to be completely screwed over (although, most of the mess is their own fault), at the end of the day, this credo is in the back of my head:

I. Want. Basketball.

Selfish? Sure. But everybody needs a release or two or eight. Basketball is one of my eight. Gimme.

I, for one, hope both sides can work out an amicable deal for each other, and get back to doing what they do best: putting on the most entertaining league in the world despite having the worst refs.

Hope to see you soon, 2011-2012 NBA season. We hardly (re: didn’t) knew ye.


– Mike


P.S. After they take care of this collective bargaining, maybe the new deal will accommodate building and using robot refs so awful calls aren’t made anymore.


Something Like A Comedian

As one of several classes I am taking this semester in CreComm, Comedy Writing is definitely something different from the typical class. It has what you would probably assume that a class about comedy writing would have – joke/set journals, sketch comedy, and telling jokes to the rest of your class. Another major part of this class, though – and the one that probably scared many potential takers off – is the stand-up component.

Yeah, I know. You probably just gasped. But you’re not the one who’s doing it. I (and about 30 other CreComm students) will be standing and delivering some content of the comedic variety at Rumor’s Restaurant and Comedy Club on Monday, Nov. 7. I’ve seen some  of the stuff that’s likely to make the cut from some of my classmates, and it’s pretty good…prettay, prettay, prettay good.

Myself? I’m not worried about it in the least. I feel like I can go out there and have a decent set no matter what. Not to say that I’m aiming for “not the worst”, but I think I’ll be able to handle the show well enough, and hopefully make people laugh. I’d love to give you  a preview, but for freshness’s sake, I won’t. Plus, it’s going to be my first appearance on stage as a trainee comedian – I really don’t want to cheapen that ;).

Make it out if you can because it’s probably gonna be a hell of a show.

This advertisement was paid for by the Mike Badejo Comedy Corporation. All rights reserved. See ya there!

– Mike