TCB…You Know, Taking Care of Business

Don’t call it a comeback (-to-school).

New blog, new year, new focus. A handful of focuses, actually. As varied as a group of several different things are varied. All within the planet known as Me. Major things about me, like music, video games, particular social interactions, movies, sports, funny stuff, and especially school. That’s a biggie. Especially because in this moment, and several moments over the next year, I will be eating, sleeping and breathing  it.

Many people would say that my school life has started again for the year…but it never really ended. Over the summer, I did have fun and also got to relax after completing the first year of Creative Communications, but come early August, I was back in the school hustling and bustling in meetings with various people over double-digit hour days. Why, you ask?

Independent Professional Project.

Consider it a thesis-like project that every second year member of the program I am currently in at Red River College must complete. They have a variety of spreads and fields, from video game ‘zine to fully produced radio dramas. But they have one thing in common — a student (in some cases, two) works extremely hard on it all year so they have a great example of what kind of greatness they are capable of. Something to that effect.

I (along with my IPP partner and great friend Michelle) will be handling a rebrand for the Red River College Students’ Association as our project. What does this mean? Tying up loose ends, making sure everyone is aware of this organization, and getting into the nitty gritty of what makes organizational communications tick. Analytical, methodical, systematical, fantastical. I’m a “details” type of guy, so this project is basically perfect for me.

It’s a big job, but we think we can handle it. And yes, I will spill some of my adventures and wisdom gained from doing this project here on my blog.

I seek self-improvement all the time, and the only way to get it is to really challenge yourself. It won’t be easy, but it’s indicative of the kind of year I want to have not only from a educational and experiential standpoint, but also in several other facets of my day to day life.

Rapper. Scholar. Inspirational Speaker. And apparently Batman.

I think rapper/scholar Nelly said it best when he said “if hard work pays off, then easy work is worthless.” I want to make that my mantra this year, grab it by the horns, and finish my first degree/diploma (you read right, I’m getting both in 2012) as strong as possible.

There’s a lot on my plate, so I’ll have to keep a good eye on it. But don’t worry, blog reader faithfuls, I’ll take you along for the ride. It’s been a bit of a layoff, but I’m back for good now.


If you have any comments for me, I’d love to hear from ya in the comments box. And make sure to follow me on Twitter (@mbadejones) for more on my daily escapades.

Ciao, goodbye, etc.

– Mike “Mike Badejo” Badejo

PS Here’s the Seinfeld clip that inspired this post’s title (sorry, embedding disabled by request):

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